Mind is divided in two parts.
1. Physical Mind
2. Psychic Mind
The process in the mind or functions of the mind can be described as follow:
First of all let it be clear that physical body include senses.
All sense has its own memory.
These particular senses have their own memory. This memory stores its day to day experience and updates the same.
Memory, as explained in the letters of science is not stored at one place in head but is stored in the whole body as an experience of the senses.
The constant set of memories of the sense collectively contributes towards forming of beliefs. These beliefs become part of the memory in the karmic body. These beliefs changes according to the experience and it contributes toward forming of opinions.
The process of mind thus can be explained as under:
Thoughts emerge in the mind continuously...
It has no predefined sequence....
It has no orders to follows...
All thoughts are not taken care by the mind... This situation is called as if the thoughts are coming in the subconscious mind.
Mind picks up some of the thoughts for further analysis.
Such thoughts may be motivated thoughts or may be the result of recent past activity.
When mind is involved in the further processing of the thoughts, it is said to be the conscious area of mind. (Thus conscious or subconscious is the state of mind on a particular point of time and not that of space in mind.)
This Psychic mind on the basis of the nature of the thought, recalls its relevant memories from relevant senses. Every sense is required individually to contribute their memories (the experiences from the past) relevant to the thought. Mind has its sets of Beliefs and opinion in its karmic body. Karmic body thus provides set rules for making decisions in the form of beliefs and opinion. Psychic body processes the thoughts on the basis of these memories, beliefs and opinions and arrives at a conclusion. And it delivers the message to the physical body.
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