Wednesday, December 24, 2008

How India Avoided a Crisis

How India Avoided a Crisis

How could USA has brought so much trouble on Americans, and the rest of the world, by acting in such an obviously foolhardy manner?
Didn’t USA banking system understand that they can’t lend money to people who lack the means to pay it back?
Like most Americans, I didn’t have any good answers. It was a bubble.

Chandra Kochhar, ICICI
“In India, we never had anything close to the sub-prime loan,”
“All lending to individuals is based on their income. That is a big difference between USA banking system and ours.”
“Indian banks are not levered like American banks. Capital ratios are 12 and 13 percent, instead of 7 or 8 percent. All those exotic structures like C.D.O. and securitizations are a very tiny part of our banking system. So a lot of the temptations didn’t exist.”

Deepak Parekh, HDFC
“We don’t do interest-only or subprime loans. When the bubble was going on;
we did not change any of our policies.
We did not change any of our systems.
We did not change our thought process.
We never gave more money to a borrower because the value of the house had gone up.Citibank has a few home equity loans, but most banks in India don’t make those kinds of loans.
Our nonperforming loans are less than 1 percent.”

So why did the Indian banks stay on the sidelines and avoid most of the pain that has been suffered by the big American banks?

Cultural Reasons:
1. Indians are simply not as comfortable with credit as Americans.

2. A lot of Indians, when you push them, will say that if you spend more than you earn, you will get in trouble. Americans spent more than they earned.

3. Savings are important as Joint families exist. When one son moves out, the family helps them. So you don’t borrow so much from the bank.

Banking Regulation:
1. Even mortgage loans tend to have down payments in India that are a third of the purchase price, a far cry from the United States, where 20 percent is the new norm.
2. But there was also another factor, perhaps the most important of all. India had a bank regulator who was the anti-Greenspan.” Dr. V. Y. Reddy, The governor of the Reserve Bank of India.

Sense of Duty:

Mr. Reddy, who took office in 2003 and stepped down this past September, it had exactly the right man in the right job at the right time. “He basically believed that if bankers were given the opportunity to sin, they would sin,” For all the bankers’ talk about their higher lending standards, the truth is that Mr. Reddy made them even more stringent during the bubble. Unlike Alan Greenspan, who didn’t believe it was his job to even point out bubbles, much less try to deflate them, Mr. Reddy saw his job as making sure Indian banks did not get too caught up in the bubble mentality. About two years ago, he started sensing that real estate, in particular, had entered bubble territory.
Attack on Land/Real Estate Loan:
One of the first moves he made was to ban the use of bank loans for the purchase of raw land, which was skyrocketing. Only when the developer was about to commence building could the bank get involved — and then only to make construction loans.

Restriction on Derivatives:

Then, as securitizations and derivatives gained increasing prominence in the world’s financial system, the Reserve Bank of India sharply curtailed their use in the country.

Restriction of Off Balance sheet Adjustments:
When Mr. Reddy saw American banks setting up off-balance-sheet vehicles to hide debt, he essentially banned them in India. As a result, banks in India wound up holding onto the loans they made to customers. On the one hand, this meant they made fewer loans than their American counterparts because they couldn’t sell off the loans to Wall Street in securitizations. On the other hand, it meant they still had the incentive — as American banks did not — to see those loans paid back.

Increase in interest rate and other measures on Real estate Loan:

Seeing inflation on the horizon, Mr. Reddy pushed interest rates up to more than 20 percent, which of course dampened the housing frenzy. He increased risk weightings on commercial buildings and shopping mall construction, doubling the amount of capital banks were required to hold in reserve in case things went awry.

Capital adequecy Norms:

He made banks put aside extra capital for every loan they made. In effect, Mr. Reddy was creating liquidity even before there was a global liquidity crisis.

Did India’s bankers stand up to applaud Mr. Reddy as he was making these moves?

Indian Bankers Opinions:

Of course not. They were naturally furious, just as American bankers would have been if Mr. Greenspan had been more active. Their regulator was holding them back, constraining their growth! Mr. Parekh told that while he had been saying for some time that Indian real estate was in bubble territory, he was still unhappy with the rules imposed by Mr. Reddy. “We were critical of the central bank,” he said. “We thought these were harsh measures.” “For a while we were wondering if we were missing out on something,” said Ms. Kochhar of Icici. Banks in the United States seemed to have come up with some magical new formula for making money: make loans that required no down payment and little in the way of verification — and post instant, short-term, profits.

Outside India Manager's Opinion:

As Luis Miranda, who runs a private equity firm devoted to developing India’s infrastructure, put it: “We kept wondering if they had figured out something that we were too dense to figure out. It looked like they were smart and we were stupid.” Instead, India was the smart one, and we were the stupid ones.

Now what they Says :

Ms. Kochhar said that the underlying risks of having “a majority of loans not owned by the people who originated them” was not apparent during the bubble. Now that those risks have been made painfully clear, every banker in India realizes that Mr. Reddy did the right thing by limiting securitizations.
“At times like this, you tend to appreciate what he did more than we did at the time,” said Mr. Kapoor.
“He saved us,” added Mr. Parekh.

The ultimate Result:

1. As the credit crisis has spread these past months, no Indian bank has come close to failing the way so many United States and European financial institutions have.
2. None have required the kind of emergency injections of capital that Western banks have needed.
3. None have had the huge write-downs that were par for the course in the West.
4. As the bubble has burst, which lenders have taken the hit? Why, the private equity and hedge fund lenders who had been so eager to finance land development. Us, in others words, rather than them. Why is that not a surprise?

Mr. Kapoor, Yes Bank: on “what had happened in the United States then” , he replied:
1. “We recognize it as a problem of plenty.

2. It was perpetuated by greedy bankers, whether investment bankers or commercial bankers.” 3. “The greed to make money is the impression it has made here.”

4. “Anytime they wanted a loan, people just dipped into their home A.T.M.”
5. “It was like money was on call.”
6. So it was. And USA regulators, unlike Indians, just stood by and let it happen.

lesson Learnt:

The next time USA moving into bubble territory, perhaps they can take a page from Mr. Reddy’s book — sometimes it’s better to apply the brakes too early than too late. Or, as was the case with Mr. Greenspan, not at all.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

नया रास्ट्रीय गीत जवान दिलोंके लिए

फलक पकड़ के उठो और हवा पकड़ के चलो - (२)
तुम चलो ...तो हिंदुस्तान चले - (४)
( लगाओ हाथ के सूरज सुबह निकला करे
हथेलियों भरे धुप और उछाला करें ) --(२)
उफक पे पाव रखो और चलो अकड़ के चलो
फलक पकड़ के उठो और हवा पकड़ के चलो - (२)
तुम चलो ...तो हिंदुस्तान चले - (४)

What Mr. Antulay wants to disclose, Congress Mocking Face

Antulay's insinuations :
"Karkare was sent into a deathtrap by those who advised him to go towards Cama Hospital"

What does this statmenet mean( Mr. Antulay wants to disclose) :
1. Someone knew that Cama Hospital area is dengerous then the other area, and person is there ready to kill Karkare.
2. It means someone from the high cader, has direct communication with tererist.
3. It means someone from the high cader,is also linked with those who plot malegaon Blast.
4. It means someone from the high cader,had no doubt that those two high cader person were also not be able to Karkere and were going to die.
5. It means the whole structure of mumbay attacke was organised by indegenous people and govt. still has taken no action against it.
6. It means the Maharastra Govt. and Central Govt. is playing a game with the public sentiments as though knowing this facts it has not ordered any inquiry or prob into the matter.

At both the places, the Govt is rulled by Congress, and he himself is part of it ,but donot want to leave them. He says " Why should I leave"

Don't you think He should stand by his statement at least

Monday, December 22, 2008

Real Nehru family

Nehru Dynasty - The dynasty that ruined india
The Nehru Family

At the very beginning of his book, "The Nehru Dynasty", astrologer K. N. Rao mentions the names of Jawahar Lal's father and grandfather.Jawahar Lal's father was believed to be Moti Lal and Moti Lal's father was one Gangadhar Nehru. And we all know that Jawahar Lal's only daughter was Indira Priyadarshini Nehru; Kamala Nehru was her mother, who died in Switzerland of tuberculosis. She was totally against Indira's proposed marriage with Feroze. Why? No one tells us that !

Now, who is this Feroze? We are told by many that he was the son of the family grocer. The grocer supplied wines, etc. to Anand Bhavan,previously known as Ishrat Manzil, which once belonged to a Muslim lawyer named Mobarak Ali. Moti Lal was earlier an employee of Mobarak Ali. What was the family grocer's name? One frequently hears that Rajiv Gandhi's grandfather was Pandit Nehru. But then we all know that everyone has two grandfathers, the paternal and the maternal grandfathers. In fact, the paternal grandfather is deemed to be the more important grandfather in most societies. Why is it then no where we find Rajiv Gandhi's paternal grandfather's name? It appears that the reason is simply this. Rajiv Gandhi's paternal grandfather was a Muslim gentleman from the Junagadh area of Gujarat.

This Muslim grocer by the name of Nawab Khan, had married a Parsi woman after converting her to Islam. This is the source where from the myth of Rajiv being a Parsi was derived. Rajiv's father Feroze was Feroze Khan before he married Indira, against Kamala Nehru's wishes. Feroze's mother's family name was Ghandy, often associated with Parsis and this was changed to Gandhi, sometime before his wedding with Indira, by an affidavit.

The fact of the matter is that (and this fact can be found in many writings) Indira was very lonely. Chased out of the Shantiniketan University by Guru Dev Rabindranath himself for misdeveanor, the lonely girl was all by herself, while father Jawahar was busy with politics, pretty women and illicit sex; the mother was in hospital.

Feroze Khan, the grocer's son was then in England and he was quite sympathetic to Indira and soon enough she changed her religion, became a Muslim woman and married Feroze Khan in a London mosque. Nehru was not happy; Kamala was dead already or dying. The news of this marriage eventually reached Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. Gandhi urgently called Nehru and practically ordered him to ask the young man to change his name from Khan to Gandhi. It had nothing to do with change of religion, from Islam to!

Hinduism for instance. It was just a case of a change of name by an affidavit. And so Feroze Khan became Feroze Gandhi.The surprising thing is that the apostle of truth, the old man soon to be declared India's Mahatma and the 'Father of the Nation' didn't mention this game of his in the famous book, 'My Experiments with Truth'. Why? When they returned to India, a mock 'Vedic marriage' was instituted for public consumption.On this subject, writes M. O. Mathai (a longtime private secretary of Nehru) in his renowned (but now suppressed by the GOI) 'Reminiscences of the Nehru Age' on page 94, second paragraph: "For some inexplicable reason, Nehru allowed the marriage to be performed according to Vedic rites in 1942. An inter-religious and inter-caste marriage under Vedic rites at that time was not valid in law. To be legal, it had to be a civil marriage.

It's a known fact that after Rajiv's birth Indira and Feroze lived separately, but they were not divorced. Feroze used to harass Nehru frequently for money and also interfere in Nehru's political activities. Nehru got fed up and left instructions not to allow him into the Prime Minister's residence Trimurthi Bhavan. Mathai writes that the death of Feroze came as a relief to Nehru and Indira. The death of Feroze in 1960 before he could consolidate his own political forces, is itself a mystery. Feroze had even planned to remarry. Those who try to keep tabs on our leaders in spite of all the suppressions and deliberate misinformation, are aware of the fact that the second son of Indira (Mrs. Feroze Khan) known as Sanjay Gandhi was not the son of Feroze.

Sanjay was the son of another Moslem gentleman, Mohammad Yunus. Here, in passing, we might mention that the second son was originally named Sanjiv. It rhymed with Rajiv, the elder brother's name. It was changed to Sanjay when he was arrested by the British police in England and his passport impounded, for having stolen a car. Krishna Menon was then India's High Commissioner in London. He offered to issue another passport to the felon who changed his name to Sanjay. Incidentally, Sanjay's marriage with the Sikh girl Menaka (for Indira Gandhi found the name of Lord Indra's court dancer rather offensive!) took place quite surprisingly in Mohammad Yunus' house in New Delhi. And the marriage with Menaka who was a model (she had modelled for Bombay Dyeing wearing just a towel) was not so ordinary either.

Sanjay was notorious in getting unwed young women pregnant. Menaka too was! rendered pregnant by Sanjay. It was then that her father, Colonel Anand, threatened Sanjay with dire consequences if he did not marry her daughter. And that did the trick. Sanjay married Menaka. It was widely reported in Delhi at the time that Mohammad Yunus was unhappy at the marriage of Sanjay with Menaka; apparently he had wanted to get him married with a Muslim girl of his choice. It was Mohammad Yunus who cried the most when Sanjay died in the plane accident. In Yunus' book, 'Persons, Passions & Politics' one discovers that baby Sanjay had been circumcised following Islamic custom, although the reason stated was phimosis. It was always believed that Sanjay used to blackmail Indira Gandhi and due to this she used to turn a blind eye when Sanjay Gandhi started to run the country as though it were his personal fiefdom. Was he black mailing her with the secret of who his real father was? When the news of Sanjay's death reached Indira Gandhi, the first thing she wanted to know was about the bunch of keys which Sanjay had with him.

Nehru was no less a player in producing bastards. At least one case is very graphically described by M. O. Mathai in his "Reminiscences of the Nehru Age", page 206. Mathai writes: "In the autumn of 1948 (India became free in 1947 and a great deal of work needed to be done) a young woman from Benares arrived in New Delhi as a sanyasin named Shraddha Mata (an assumed and not a real name). She was a Sanskrit scholar well versed in the ancient Indian scriptures and mythology. People, including MPs, thronged to her to hear her discourses. One day S. D. Upadhyaya, Nehru's old employee, brought a letter in Hindi from Shraddha Mata. Nehru gave her an interview in the PM's house! ..

As she departed, I noticed (Mathai is speaking here) that she was young, shapely and beautiful. Meetings with her became rather frequent, mostly after Nehru finished his work at night. During one of Nehru's visits to Lucknow, Shraddha Mata turned up there, and Upadhyaya brought a letter from her as usual. Nehru sent her the reply; and she visited Nehru at midnight...

"Suddenly Shraddha Mata disappeared. In November 1949 a convent in Bangalore sent a decent looking person to Delhi with a bundle of letters. He said that a young woman from northern India arrived at the convent a few months ago and gave birth to a baby boy. She refused to divulge her name or give any particulars about herself. She left the convent as soon as she was well enough to move out but left the child behind. She however forgot to take with her a small cloth bundle in which, among other things, several letters in Hindi were found. The Mother Superior, who was a foreigner, had the letters examined and was told they were from the Prime Minister. The person who brought the letters surrendered them...

"I (Mathai) made discreet inquiries repeatedly about the boy but failed to get a clue about his whereabouts. Convents in such matters are extremely tightlipped and secretive. Had I succeeded in locating the boy, I would have adopted him. He must have grown up as a Catholic Christian blissfully ignorant of who his father was."

Coming back to Rajiv Gandhi, we all know now that he changed his so called Parsi religion to become a Catholic to marry Sania Maino of Turin, Italy. Rajiv became Roberto. His daughter's name is Bianca and son's name is Raul. Quite cleverly the same names are presented to the people of India as Priyanka and Rahul.! What is amazing is the extent of our people's ignorance in such matters.

The press conference that Rajiv Gandhi gave in London after taking over as prime minister of India was very informative. In this press conference, Rajiv boasted that he was NOT a Hindu but a Parsi. Mind you, speaking of the Parsi religion, he had no Parsi ancestor at all. His grandmother (father's mother) had turned Muslim after having abandoned the Parsi religion to marry Nawab Khan. It is the western press that waged a blitz of misinformation on behalf of Rajiv. From the New York Times to the Los Angeles Times and the Washington Post, the big guns raised Rajiv to heaven. The children's encyclopedias recorded that Rajiv was a qualified Mechanical Engineer from the revered University of Cambridge. No doubt US kids are among the most misinformed in the world today! The reality is that in all three years of his tenure at that University Rajiv had not passed a single examination. He had therefore to leave Cambridge without a certificate.

Sonia too had the same benevolent treatment. She was stated to be a student in Cambridge. Such a description is calculated to mislead Indians. She was a student in Cambridge all right but not of the University of Cambridge but of one of those fly by night language schools where foreign students come to learn English. Sonia was working as an 'au pair' girl in Cambridge and trying to learn English at the same time. And surprise of surprises, Rajiv was even cremated as per vedic rites in full view of India's public.

This is the Nehru dynasty that India worships and now an Italian leads a prestigious national party because of just one qualification being married into the Nehru family. !

India's New Enthem... as getting momentum

Falak pakad ke utho, aur hawa pakad ke chalo, –2

Hold the sky to stand, and walk with the wind in your hands

Tum chalo, to hindustan chale –4

Be the front-runner; (because when you walk) , Hindustan (India) walks with you.

Lagao haath ke suraj subah nikala karein, ]

Hatheliyon bhare dhoop aur uchhala karein, ]–2

Lend your hand to pull out the Sun in the morning,

Fill your hands with sunlight, and throw it around,

Ufaq pe paav rakho, aur chalo akad ke chalo,

Keep you legs on the horizon, and walk with pride,

Falak pakad ke utho, aur hawa pakad ke chalo, –2

Hold the sky to stand, and walk with the wind in your hands

Tum chalo, to hindustan chale –4

Be the front-runner;( because when you walk), Hindustan (India) walks with you.

Where the Bailout money gone?

A year or two ago, when we talked about spending $100 million for a bridge to nowhere, that was considered a scandal.

You moght came accross with the following questions that any bank would demand to know before handing out a loan to you:

  1. Where's the money going?
  2. How much has been spent?
  3. What was it spent on?
  4. When are we going to get a record on it?
  5. How much is being held in savings, and what's the plan for the rest?

    But after receiving billions in aid from U.S. taxpayers, the nation's largest banks say they can't track exactly how they're spending the money or they simply refuse to discuss it.

    The Treasury Department has been using the money to buy stock in U.S. banks, hoping that the sudden inflow of cash will get banks to start lending money.
    From who, it will buy the shares, existing shareholders or issuance of new shares?
  • If state buy the shares,

    By Issuance of new shares? From market

    =>What about the ownership =>Who will sell the shares and without
    and management? manipulating the price to state
    =>Is state headed toward =>Who will get benefited, we understand.
    socialism leaving capitalism far behind?
    =>To whom the bank will lend this money?
    =>Who will get benefited, we understand.
    =>The nation might never get a clear
    answer on where hundreds of billions
    of dollars went

    There has been no accounting of how banks spend that money. Lawmakers summoned bank executives to Capitol Hill last month and implored them to lend the money — not to hoard it or spend it on corporate bonuses, junkets or to buy other banks.

    But there is no process in place to make sure that's happening and there are no consequences for banks who don't comply with.
  • Nearly every bank questioned — including Citibank and Bank of America, two of the largest recipients of bailout money — responded with generic public relations statements explaining that

    “The money was being used to strengthen balance sheets” and “..continue making loans to ease the credit crisis.” Every accounting people can understand the meaning of “…strengthen balance sheets”. How much proportion is used for each of these two components?

    JPMorgan Chase's ..”It has planned to lend $5 billion to nonprofit and health care companies next year.”
    "We're choosing not to disclose that,"
    “We're not sharing any other details. We're just not at this time,"
    “the bailout money "doesn't have its own bucket for reporting."
    "We are going to decline to comment on your story."
    "I just would prefer if you wouldn't say that we're not going to discuss those details."
    "It would take a lot of nerve not to give answers,"

    But no bank provided even the most basic accounting for the federal money
  • Do you remember?
  • "A year or two ago, when we talked about spending $100 million for a bridge to nowhere, that was considered a scandal"

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sufi Dance

Real estate Scam in dubai- yet to blast

To day I am going to write something about real estate blast in Gulf.

So many people are severely affected in real estate blast in this region. It was due to tricky marketing practice employed by some marketing companies. Their modus operandi was like this…

One of the developer companies buys a plot from one of the master developer in the region. In some of the case only intimation to buy was held on the desk of the relevant authority.
On the basis of the permission/ intimation so sought, the company appoints architecture to design a building for certain specification.
Once the design is prepared, a rough model for the same design was created.
On the basis of the model a marketing company was approached and a price for the project is decided. Marketing company pays upfront 5% -10% of the project cost and acquires the right to market that property.
Marketing company on the basis of the rights so acquired, try to sell the property off plan.
As unit’s number and square feet specifications are not available, marketing company sells area in packages covering particular square feet in a package. Here, marketing company discloses the facts that real number of the units and exact square feet if that units shall be defined later on. So it was on the mutual understanding that particular package will cover units covering more or less same square feet area on final design of the building.
Investor required purchasing the packages and paying upfront payment of 5% to 10% of the package in that project.
Here, marketing company is allowed to retain some of the area as its profit.

To understand it better let us assume..
1. Project is that of a building for mixed use.
2. It covers 40 levels and 360 parking bays.
3. First 2 floors are declared as commercial space covering Coffee shop, mall, shopping area and other levels for office or residential.
4. Each level contains approx. 14000 square feet of construction totaling it to 560,000 square feet.
5. The project cost is estimated to be 1 billion.
6. The marketing company is required to pay 25% of the project as under ;
1. 5% (i.e. 50 million) on signing of the project.
2. 10% (i.e. 100 million) after 60 days
3. 10% (i.e. 100 Million) after 120 days
7. Marketing company pays 50 million out of his own pocket to acquire the rights of the project and works out the average price per square feet to be 2100.
8. This fixation of the price will conceptualize that selling of are 476,190 square feet will make the project to cover the project cost leaving 83,810 square feet as remaining portion as profit to the marketing company.
9. Marketing company sells these 83,810 square feet as cash packages while 476,190 square feet as payment packages.
10. Marketing company now, sells its cash packages at a discount of 70% i.e. 2100*30% = 630 per square feet to those who pays up front full amount of the packages.
11. While investor opting for payments packages are required to pay only 5% on the signing of the contract and remaining amount as per the developers plan.
12. Due to sell of cash packages investor are getting huge discount while marketing company can convert its profit into cash profit. This is because it receives 83,810*630 =52.80 million, which reduces its burden on cash balance at bank.
13. As far as Marketing company is concerned it has paid only 50 million to acquire the rights and in return will receive 52.80 Million from sell of Cash units and 50 million from the sell of payment packages. It results into a net cash flow of 52.50 million.
14. The remaining portion of the project payment is required to be paid to the developer as and when the payment is received from the payment plan investors so future cash flow is not affected at all.
15. Now the marketing company creates a virtual market for its investor who wants to sell its right in the form of the packages in the project (remember Project is only on the paper). Inventor can sell its package at premium say 1%.
16. If Payment investor can sell its package at 1% premium, its overall profit would be 20% on the amount so invested.

Until August 2008, so many investors were ready to purchase such book property and making rush to purchase it to sell the same at a profit. They were making huge profit specifically initial investor making huge profit then late Latiff. So everybody was rushing to the management, in fact , tried to influence the management of the marketing company to allot them early package. No body was ready or alert to look at the actual position of the project. Even most of the investor was ready to purchase any units irrespective of its content like, nos. of bedroom sea facing or road facing or floor. They just didn’t want to loose the opportunity to earn the money.

Marketing company made huge profit by selling its property very easily. Now the company has transferred the investors’ rights in the property with the developers and washed its hands off from the situation. Now cash packages investors are not required to pay any money to the developer but payment plan investors are directly required to pay to the developer as and when the installment due.

Here, from the view of the developer, the project is not feasible for want of finance. Initially Banks were ready to give full finance to the construction contract. But due to credit crises the banks have followed strict norms for such financing. The developer cannot start with 50 million when next financing is uncertain. Here so many investors are ready to loose their 5% of the project already paid but not willing to pay remaining amount to the developer. Developer
Due to uncertainty of the finance, are not willing to start the project.

The point is reached where;

1. Cash packages investors are not sure of the receipt of the area they invested.
2. Payment plan investors are ready to loose their investment.
3. Marketing company has washed their hands off after transferring the rights in the name of the investors.
4. Developer cannot start their project now.

Can you assume the amount so involved in this type of real estate boom?
The data I have illustrated here is just for one building and the price is the lowest one. This one building as illustrated here amounts to be of 1 billion.

Some of the marketing companies are not able to transfer their rights to the developer company. Such marketing companies are liable to pay to the developer to that extent. The rules and regulation of the Govt. in these regions are silent about the rights of the cash packages investors.

Whether they can demand refund of the amount so invested from the marketing company?
Whether Developer Company will to pay the refund, if such rights have been transferred to the developer company? In case of such transfer, the amount of the property is mentioned at 1 only as these were the cash units.
What if, developer decides to cancel the project and wants to refund the money?

Saturday, December 13, 2008

What Pakistan News paper Says:

About  Jihadi Groups

We need to expose the true nature of these forces before people; to reveal how they have lured vulnerable young teenagers away from homes and families only to turn them into killers; how they have exploited religion to further their own interests." 

About Young Generation:

"Becoming part of a militant or terrorist organisation empowers poor, impressionable young men. And it's not just the weapons or the monthly stipend that give them comfort - finally they have an identity when previously they were faceless, they become part of a community in which they are respected. The uniform of militant Islam confers instant respectability in some quarters."

About Politics:

What the Mumbai assault has done in this country is divert attention from the internal threat to an external 'enemy'. This must not be allowed to happen. Soul-searching is in order, and an acceptance of the fact that Pakistan is indeed a hub of militancy and terrorism. It is sad, on one level, that it has taken external pressure to stir the government into acting against those who are besmirching our name in the world. We face isolation, and internal ruin, if the common enemy is not brought to book. We have a collective responsibility to look inwards." 

Pakistan is getting isolated diplomatically.

"The rightist leadership, if it views the situation objectively, would surely agree that Jaishes, Lashkars and jihadis have not only brought infamy to this country globally and disrepute internationally."

In India Senior RSS officials on Friday said 

, "Whenever the demons (Aasuri powers) start dominating this planet, there is no way other than the war. This terrorism may ultimately result in a Third World War. And this will be a nuclear war in which many of us are going to be finished. And let me say with confidence that after this destruction, a new world will emerge, which will be very good, free from evil and terrorism. But war should be the last resort. Before that Bharat should consider other options.

उसकी टोपी इसके सरपे - अमेरिका का सबसे बड़ा फ्रौड़

What do George Carlin and Bernard Madoff have in common?

The late comedian immortalized oxymorons, those absurd word pairs like "jumbo shrimp" and "military intelligence." Mr. Madoff just put the silliest of all financial oxymorons into the spotlight: "sophisticated investor."

The accounts managed by Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC reported gains of roughly 1% a month like clockwork, with nary a loss, for two decades. Why did that freakishly smooth return not set off alarms among current and prospective investors?
Of all people, sophisticated investors like Mr। Madoff's clients should know that if something sounds too good to be true, then it's not. But they believed it anyway. Why?

Mr Madoff emphasized secrecy, lending his investment accounts a mysterious allure and sense of exclusivity

The initial marketing often was in the hands of what one source described as "a macher" (the Yiddish term for a big shot). At the country club or another exclusive rendezvous, the macher would brag, "I've got my money invested with Madoff and he's doing really well."

When his listener expressed interest, the macher would reply, "You can't get in unless you're invited...but I can probably get you in."

Strategy : A triple-threat combination. :- Influence: Science and Practice
Makes investors feel that it is

==> The inherent domain of people who know more than we do.
==> This uncertainty leads us to look for social proof: evidence that other people we trust have already decided to invest.
==> And by playing up how exclusive his funds were

==> Hedge fund shifts investors' fears from
==> From risk that they might lose money
==> To the risk they might lose out on making money.

==> If you did get invited in, then you were anointed a member of this particular club of "sophisticated investors."
==> Once someone you respect went out of his way to grant you access, it would seem almost an "insult" to do any further investigation.
==> Hedge fund manager also are known to throw investors out of his funds for asking too many questions, so no one wanted to rock the boat.

==> This members-only feeling blinded many buyers of Manager’s funds to the numerous red flags fluttering around his operation.
==> When you are in an exclusive private club, you do not go rummaging around in the kitchen to make sure that the health code is being followed.

Here we have the biggest dirty secret of the "sophisticated investor"

Last year, the Greenwich Roundtable, a nonprofit that researches alternative investments, conducted a survey of consultants. It's hard to imagine a more sophisticated crowd.

==>One out of five investors in the survey reported that they "always follow" not a formal checklist or analytical procedure, but rather "an informal process" of due diligence.
That's for sure.
==> One out of four investors surveyed will write a check without having studied the financial statements of the fund.
==> Nearly one in three will not always run a background check on fund managers; 6% may not even read the prospectus before ever committing money.

"Due diligence, is the art of asking good questions." It's also the art of not taking answers on faith."

If you invest with anyone who claims ;
==> never to lose money,
==> reports amazingly smooth returns,
==>will not explain his strategy,
==> Refuses to disclose basic information
==> discuss potential risks, you're not sophisticated. You're an oxymoron.

Two years ago, at a hedge-fund conference in New York, attendees were asked to name some of their favorite and most-respected hedge-fund managers. Neither George Soros nor Julian Robertson merited a single mention. But one manager received lavish praise: Bernard Madoff.

Folks on Wall Street know Bernie Madoff well. His brokerage firm, Madoff Securities, helped kick-start the Nasdaq Stock Market in the early 1970s and is now one of the top three market makers in Nasdaq stocks. Madoff Securities is also the third-largest firm matching buyers and sellers of New York Stock Exchange-listed securities.

New potential victims emerged of Wall Street veteran Bernard Madoff's alleged giant Ponzi scheme, with international banks, hedge funds and wealthy private investors among those sorting out what could amount to tens of billions of dollars in losses.
New York Mets owner Fred Wilpon, GMAC LLC Chairman J. Ezra Merkin and former Philadelphia Eagles owner Norman Braman were among the dozens of seemingly sophisticated investors who placed money on what could prove to be history's largest financial scam.
Giant French bank BNP Paribas, Tokyo-based Nomura Holdings Inc. and Neue Privat Bank in Zurich are also exposed, according to people familiar with the matter.

And at least three funds of hedge funds -- which raise money from investors and farm it out to hedge funds -- may have significant losses. Fairfield Greenwich Group and Tremont Capital Management of New York placed hundreds of millions of their investors' dollars into funds overseen by Mr. Madoff. On Friday, Maxam Capital Management LLC reported a combined loss of $280 million on funds they had invested with Mr. Madoff.

"I'm wiped out," said Sandra Manzke, Maxam's founder and chairman. The Darien, Conn., fund of hedge funds will have to close as a result of the losses, she said.

Mr. Madoff was arrested and charged Thursday. Prosecutors allege that the 70-year-old Mr. Madoff hid losses, paying certain investors returns using principal he received from other investors. (Iski Topi Uske sirpe)

Prosecutors and regulators have yet to determine how much has been lost, or the amount in assets still held by Mr. Madoff's business.

The alleged fraud has "swept up some of the most prominent and wealthy Americans, along with many people who thought they were embarking on a comfortable retirement and have now been left destitute

Seeger Weiss LLP represents more than 30 investors with losses they believe could total more than $1 billion.

In criminal and civil complaints, Mr. Madoff is quoted as saying the losses could amount to $50 billion.

Details emerged Friday of how Mr. Madoff ran the alleged scam, fostering a veneer of exclusivity and creating an A-list of investors that became his most powerful marketing tool. From New York and Florida to Minnesota and Texas, the money manager became an insider's choice among well-heeled investors seeking steady returns.

By hiring unofficial agents, tapping into elite country clubs and creating "invitation only" policies for investors, he recruited a steady stream of new clients.

During golf-course and cocktail-party banter, Mr. Madoff's name frequently surfaced as a money manager who could consistently deliver high returns. Older, Jewish investors called Mr. Madoff " 'the Jewish bond,' " says Ken Phillips, head of a Boulder, Colo., investment firm. "It paid 8% to 12%, every year, no matter what."
As his reputation grew, Mr. Madoff gained the trust of prominent businessmen, including ex-Eagles owner Mr. Braman, who owns a chain of Florida auto dealers. A voicemail message left with Mr. Braman's office was not immediately returned.

Mets owner Mr. Wilpon, who also owns real-estate investor Sterling Equities, often raved about Mr. Madoff's investment prowess and invested tens of millions of dollars of both his own money and the team's with his company, say financiers who have worked with him.

Mr. Madoff handled investments for the Judy & Fred Wilpon Family Foundation, which distributed about $1 million a year in 2005 and 2006 to charities, according to its most recent federal tax returns..

Mr. Wilpon's Sterling Equities said in a statement: "We are shocked by recent events and, like all investors, will continue to monitor the situation."

Mr. Merkin, the chairman of former General Motors Corp. financing arm GMAC, which had $1.8 billion under management as of Sept. 30, had substantially all of its assets invested with Mr. Madoff.
Mr. Merkin said he had personally "suffered major losses from this catastrophe."

Mr. Madoff tapped social networks in Dallas, Chicago, Boston and Minneapolis. In Minnesota, he attracted investors from Hillcrest Golf Club of St. Paul and Oak Ridge Country Club in Hopkins, investors say.

One of them estimated that investors from the two clubs may have invested more than $100 million combined.

One of the largest clusters of Madoff investors was in Florida, where losses could be substantial. Mr. Madoff relied on a network of friends, family and business colleagues to attract investors. According to investors and agents, some of these agents were paid commissions for harvesting investors. Others had separate, lucrative business relationships with Mr. Madoff.

"If you were eating lunch at the club or golfing, everyone was always talking about how Madoff was making them all this money," one investor says. "Everyone wanted to sign up."

Jeff Fischer, a top divorce attorney in Palm Beach, says many of his clients were also Mr. Madoff's clients. "Every big divorce that came through my office had portfolio positions with Madoff," he says.

Two of his investors said that among his clients, Mr. Madoff was considered a money-management legend; they would joke that if Mr. Madoff was a fraud, he'd take down half the world with him.

Richard Spring, a Boca Raton resident and former securities analyst, says he had about $11 million -- or 95% of his net worth -- invested with Mr. Madoff. "That's how much I believed in him," Mr. Spring said.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Current Recession

5:18 PM
Uday : U tell me sir how the life is going & how u cn visalise next 2 yrs time period overall ?
Me : see everything is good, for that particular point of time, Today is good and tomorrow will be too, for me ... everyday are fine ...I’m little bit recession and inflation proof, as my desire is limited but coming days are tough for those who were greedy in nature.

5:21 PM
Uday : anhhhh ..
Me : and the era has not yet started I foresee 4 years in row like this

Uday : 4 yrs ????????///
Me : till 2012 see every country says they have bailout falana ..dhikana...but money is virtual money not real ... it depends on the volume how much real money comes in the hands of people who are ready to spend again ...on the goods and commodities.

5:24 PM
Uday : yes
Me :this is a very joking situation where the world's economist do leads the world to. These steps are not fruitful in near future. It will take at least 3-4 year to bring the result.
These are very liberal steps taken to help those who have given political contributions to the parties in the first instance. Public will get benefited from these steps later on provided these people decides to pass some of the benefits to the public.

5:30 PM
Uday :I got it ... its all a game.
Me :somewhat
Uday :and people are befooled in name of rescue packages .
Me :yes, This happened only due to uncontrolled economy which western country insisted through several International agreements... “Greedy Capitalism”. It was true that when you are following capitalism then strictly follow it. You should not bailout those who have been hanged out due to their Greediness.

Uday :Yes, last month in our board meeting the former president of Munich stock exchagne, Germany informed us the same thing that there are two things that guide this world .. greed and fear ..

Me :Why Govt. should spend money to rescue them as if they were the savior of the world.
Uday :that’s true
Me :Till today, in every economist book for capitalism, there were no topics of Bailout for industry. Else there were assumptions that economy itself react and world believed in its own mechanism. It is their fault and let them suffer, otherwise world will never able to write correction chapter to the capitalism, a chapter missed till days.

5:35 PM
Me : From the day one, Capitalism had this limitation. It never accepted the fact that people are greedy. Hence nobody had written a chapter to save economy from the result of such greediness.
Uday :Now, so it is the time to witness its effect to the full extent and hence we can write a true chapter to save the world from capitalism.
Me :No dear, there is no necessity to save the world from Capitalism, else it is time to remold it. But I fear, I doubt the true intension of the great leaders of the great countries. They are feared for their political contribution from the industry and hence will not follow the capitalism itself and shall write a biggest white corruption chapter of the mankind history instead. Ok Dear , I have to leave C U.

Current Recession

5:18 PM
Uday : U tell me sir how the life is going & how u cn visalise next 2 yrs time period overall ?
Me : see everything is good, for that particular point of time, Today is good and tomorrow will be too, for me ... everyday are fine ...I’m little bit recession and inflation proof, as my desire is limited but coming days are tough for those who were greedy in nature.

5:21 PM
Uday : anhhhh ..
Me : and the era has not yet started I foresee 4 years in row like this

Uday : 4 yrs ????????///
Me : till 2012 see every country says they have bailout falana ..dhikana...but money is virtual money not real ... it depends on the volume how much real money comes in the hands of people who are ready to spend again ...on the goods and commodities.

5:24 PM
Uday : yes
Me :this is a very joking situation where the world's economist do leads the world to. These steps are not fruitful in near future. It will take at least 3-4 year to bring the result.
These are very liberal steps taken to help those who have given political contributions to the parties in the first instance. Public will get benefited from these steps later on provided these people decides to pass some of the benefits to the public.

5:30 PM
Uday :I got it ... its all a game.
Me :somewhat
Uday :and people are befooled in name of rescue packages .
Me :yes, This happened only due to uncontrolled economy which western country insisted through several International agreements... “Greedy Capitalism”. It was true that when you are following capitalism then strictly follow it. You should not bailout those who have been hanged out due to their Greediness.

Uday :Yes, last month in our board meeting the former president of Munich stock exchagne, Germany informed us the same thing that there are two things that guide this world .. greed and fear ..

Me :Why Govt. should spend money to rescue them as if they were the savior of the world.
Uday :that’s true
Me :Till today, in every economist book for capitalism, there were no topics of Bailout for industry. Else there were assumptions that economy itself react and world believed in its own mechanism. It is their fault and let them suffer, otherwise world will never able to write correction chapter to the capitalism, a chapter missed till days.

5:35 PM
Me : From the day one, Capitalism had this limitation. It never accepted the fact that people are greedy. Hence nobody had written a chapter to save economy from the result of such greediness.
Uday :Now, so it is the time to witness its effect to the full extent and hence we can write a true chapter to save the world from capitalism.
Me :No dear, there is no necessity to save the world from Capitalism, else it is time to remold it. But I fear, I doubt the true intension of the great leaders of the great countries. They are feared for their political contribution from the industry and hence will not follow the capitalism itself and shall write a biggest white corruption chapter of the mankind history instead. Ok Dear , I have to leave C U.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Disaster Management- Mumbai attack

Disaster Management
Don’t expect Govt. hospitals are ready in case of Disaster
Experience of some people.

Mr. Ahire
Attendant of Dial 1298 Ambulance
First Healthcare respondent to Taj on 26/11
He wasted his critical time while attack was on to deliver body from hospital to hospital, to deliver one body he required to rout through from;
Route -------------------------Result

Taj Hotel to JJ Hospital --------Asked to go to Sion Hospital
JJ hospital to Sion Hospital ----Said they will not accept the body go back
Sion Hospital to JJ Hospital ----Asked to go to Niar Hospital .
JJ hospital to Niar Hospital ----End.
Estimate the time and cost of wasted critical hours (donot ignore mumbai's traffic).

Madan Shirvel:
Attendant of Dial 1298 Ambulance

He took 6 traumatized Foreigners from Taj Hotel to Azad Maidan
Police refused to hold them up as they said they have no instruction to help the foreigners, as they can help to Indians only.
Estimate the time of an ambulance that could have been saved in this dialogue.

Ajay Pandey:
Ambulance driver of Child Foundation, Private NGO

He had an injured patient in his ambulance. He drove to GT hospital. He beg from gate to gate to get patient admitted. But hospital refused to admit and said that get your patient back. No one was there to say that “we are not admitting him because there are terrorists inside the hospital, Please admit him at other hospital.” He wasted his critical time convincing many officials there.

A Briton who was shot at Leopold was saved only because he was rushed to a private hospital instead of State run Hospital.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

War & People

People talk about War, people don't know War.

Professional Party of India

Professional Party of India
Reanswered the questions of PPI.
Q1 When and how was the Professionals Party of India (PPI) conceived?
When we look at the current political scenario where political party leaders are not motivated, were poor at psychology, main source of corruption in India, their mockery ,it was felt our duty to introduce change after 60 years of the independence. Our India itself has become senior citizen. Now It is time to take over by new energetic Young leader, who can see the world changing, and have capacity to change their home.
This is how PPI was conceived.

Q2 How will you ensure PPI’s elected members are not corrupt?
Donation, charity is the root cause of Corruption. When political party takes fund from industrialist, do you think it is their humble gesture towards nation? See, Corruption is there and this party will not act on this. We do not believe in "Cut branches and leafs of a souring tree", we aimed at "Uproot the tree itself".

Q3 How do you plan to fund party activities?
Party activities will be funded through membership fees and individual contributions by the members only. No industry contribution will be accepted as it is assumed to be the root cause of current state of political scenario in the country.

Q4 Will you target only the middle class and exclude other segments?
We are targeting every Indian who is awake to the need for change, who aspires for a better national quality of life and who can be accessed cost effectively. There is no middle class in our definition. Here at PPI there are only two classes among the people coward and brave. PPI is only for brave young who want to witness a change in their current birth.

Q5 How will PPI succeed when many other parties have failed?
Success is not guaranteed and who are working here for success? Success is a multifaceted word. Here at PPI nobody aimed at success. Everyone at PPI wants only a change, and if change is possible everything will follow thereon.

Q6 How does one become a member and get involved in party activities?
Please register yourself at the website or just email us at
Membership application forms will be made available to you after evaluation.
You can get involved by undertaking any of the many exciting assignments on offer.
You are cordially invited to join in.
Do you think it is enough?

Monday, December 8, 2008

Mumbai Attack and Response

I learned from the analyzing the recent web contents that..Indian youngies are very active
==> Creating groups on " Stop Terrerism"
==> Becoming member of such group.
==> Copy and past repeated material on several groups.
==> Send the links of the material to the budies in their mail list.
==> Keeps on forwarding Photographs, videos and Articles that they receives in their mail with a note " Must See"

Now some has started taking steps from within charity and change begines from Home.
There is not only Terrerism we are fighting against, if we go to the ground to fight bettle, we can realise more "Rakshash" in the ground bigger then Terrerism. Please come and see the ground, it is not only the bloody RED coloured, it is Black too.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Rule 49- O . Right to reject every politician..

Please read this article ...
This is the time to show that we are awaken and we know the constitutional right to teach a lessons to dirty politicians...

Every polititians and ..our election commission also donot want to use this power ..conferred upon to the general public of India..


Rule 49-O is a Rule in the The Conduct of Elections Rules, 1961, which governs elections in India. It covers the procedures to be followed when a valid voter decides not to cast his vote, and decides to record this fact. Recording one's vote under Section 49-O is a choice that voters can exercise to prevent electoral fraud, and misuse of their vote.

Contents [hide]
1 Text of Rule 49-O
2 Proposals by the Election Commission of India
3 Present Implications of Rule 49-O
4 References
5 External links

[edit] Text of Rule 49-O
49-O. Elector deciding not to vote.-If an elector, after his electoral roll number has been duly entered in the register of voters in Form-17A and has put his signature or thumb impression thereon as required under sub-rule (1) of rule 49L, decided not to record his vote, a remark to this effect shall be made against the said entry in Form 17A by the presiding officer and the signature or thumb impression of the elector shall be obtained against such remark.
[edit] Proposals by the Election Commission of India
In a letter to the Prime Minister in 2004, the then Chief Election Commissioner of India, T S Krishnamurthy, suggested the following:
The Commission has received proposals from a very large number of individuals and organizations that there should be a provision enabling a voter to reject all the candidates in the constituency if he does not find them suitable. In the voting using the conventional ballot paper and ballot boxes, an elector can drop the ballot paper without marking his vote against any of the candidates, if he chooses so. However, in the voting using the Electronic Voting Machines, such a facility is not available to the voter. Although, Rule 49 O of the Conduct of Election Rules, 1961 provides that an elector may refuse to vote after he has been identified and necessary entries made in the Register of Electors and the marked copy of the electoral roll, the secrecy of voting is not protected here inasmuch as the polling officials and the polling agents in the polling station get to know about the decision of such a voter.
The Commission recommends that the law should be amended to specifically provide for negative / neutral voting. For this purpose, Rules 22 and 49B of the Conduct of Election Rules, 1961 may be suitably amended adding a proviso that in the ballot paper and the particulars on the ballot unit, in the column relating to names of candidates, after the entry relating to the last candidate, there shall be a column '"None of the above'", to enable a voter to reject all the candidates, if he chooses so. Such a proposal was earlier made by the Commission in 2001 (vide letter dated 10.12.2001).

(A petition by the People's Union for Civil Liberties seeking such a provision filed at the time of the recent general elections is pending before the Hon'ble Supreme Court)
Please note that this request may not have been turned into a law as yet.
[edit] Present Implications of Rule 49-O
Since the ballot paper/EVM contains only the list of candidates, a voter cannot record his vote under Section 49-O directly. He must inform the presiding officer at the election booth. This violates the secrecy of the ballot.
The exact implications of Rule 49-O from the perspective of winner declaration are unclear. It may be, given the present state of The Conduct of Election Rules, 1961, assumed that a winner will be declared irrespective of the number of 'non-votes'. However, a note of every 'non-vote' will be made with the Election Officer, and the total number of non-voters will, presumably, be available under the Right to Information, Act. Please note that the availability of this information has not been confirmed as yet.
Some recent articles suggest that in case the number of votes recorded under Section 49-O is greater than the maximum number of votes polled in favour of any of the candidates, a repoll is held. This is not explicitly mentioned in any of the sections of The Conduct of Elections Rules, 1961.

Small article : Know about the 49'O
Please take some time to read this entire mail. You will definitely feel its worth. Hope some of you have already got this mail and got to know about the 49'O.. It says :"In a particular constituency, if a voter has dislike to all of the candidates competing there,Then he can show his dislike to all of them by registering for 49'O.Steps for doing this :1. while registering the name by the time of voting, convey the booth officials that "I want to go for 49'O".2. Register your signature in the 49'O form available there. Done.Now, if the number of 49'O count is larger than that of the winning candidates total vote count, then a re-election is called there.More than all, the shameful fact is, this 49'O is available ever since 1960, but it is in no way conveyed to the people. Neither the government communicate this, nor did the election commission.As long as the people are unaware of this one, the political parties are enjoying by winning the election and ditching our country.To stop this disaster to continue further, we don't need to take a sword and fight against the government.Just help every citizen to know that they have such a powerful weapon which can be used for ensuring their welfare.None of the media will be ready to publish this 49'O.Let us do this by ourselves.Communicate this information with all your family, friends, neighbors as much as you can and let them know their right.Please send this information or link to everyone you know and request them to spread it across to everyone.Convey this information to as many people you know.Not only, we get a satisfaction that we have done a good service for our country's welfare.This is very well equal to what our patriots have done for the independence of our country.Very less time left before the next election drama. Before that lets make sure that everyone speaks about this word "49'O".

There is this email that’s been doing the rounds for a while now on a Rule 49-O. It reads like this:
Did you know that there is a system in our constitution, as per the 1969 act, in section “49-O” that a person can go to the polling booth, confirm his identity, get his finger marked and convey the presiding election officer that he doesn’t want to vote anyone!
Yes such a feature is available, but obviously these seemingly notorious leaders have never disclosed it.This is called “49-O”. Why should you go and say “I VOTE NOBODY”… because, in a ward, if a candidate wins, say by 123 votes, and that Particular ward has received “49-O” votes more than 123, then that polling will be cancelled and will have to be re-polled. Not only that, but the candidature of the contestants will be removed and they cannot contest the re-polling, since people had already expressed their decision on them. This would bring fear into parties and hence look for genuine candidates for their parties for election. This would change the way; of our whole political system… it is seemingly surprising why the election commission has not revealed such a feature to the public….
Please spread this news to as many as you know…Seems to be a wonderful weapon against corrupt parties in India …show your power, expressing your desire not toVote for anybody, is even more powerful than voting… so don’t missyour chance.

Well, here’s the text of Rule 49-O of the Conduct of Elections Rules, 1961 (“Rules”):
49-O. Elector deciding not to vote.-If an elector, after his electoral roll number has been duly entered in the register of voters in Form-17A and has put his signature or thumb impression thereon as required under sub-rule (1) of rule 49L, decided not to record his vote, a remark to this effect shall be made against the said entry in Form 17A by the presiding officer and the signature or thumb impression of the elector shall be obtained against such remark.
Rule 49-O falls under the Chapter II of Part IV of the Rules which was introduced in 1992 and deals only with voting by electronic voting machines or EVMs. The remark referred to here is an offline entry by the presiding offer (accompanied by the voter’s signature) to record the fact that a vote was not electronically recorded even though the voter had registered in the register of voters. This would allow reconciliation of mismatches arising from a situation where you have lesser votes polled in the machines than the names entered and signed in the register of voters. There is no provision for polling to be cancelled based on the number of 49-O votes.

DID YOU know that there is a provision in the Constitution of India, as per the Conduct of Elections Rules, 1969 Act, in Section 49-O that a person can go to the polling booth, confirm his identity, get his finger marked, and convey to the presiding election officer that he/she doesn’t want to vote for anyone! Yes, such a feature is available, but obviously these seemingly notorious leaders have never disclosed it. It is called "49-O".
49-O: The voter (or elector) deciding not to vote:
If an elector, after his electoral roll number has been duly entered in the register of voters in Form-17A and has put his signature or thumb impression thereon as required under sub-rule (1) of rule 49L, decided not to record his vote, a remark to this effect shall be made against the said entry in Form 17A by the presiding officer and the signature or thumb impression of the elector shall be obtained against such remark.
If you think none of the candidates at the ward / constituency are able enough to lead the community, you can always opt not to vote, but if you will use this right of yours you may start a new things in our electoral process, which will further strengthen our democracy.

It is useful in the following way:
In a ward or constituency, if a candidate wins, say by ’x’ votes, and that particular ward has received "49-O" votes more than x, then that polling will be cancelled and will have to be re-polled.
Not only that, but the candidature of the contestants will be removed and they cannot contest the re-polling, since people have already expressed their decision on them. This would bring fear into parties and hence look for genuine candidates for their parties for election. This would change the way of our whole political system. It is seemingly surprising why the election commission has not revealed such a feature to the public.
Please spread the word about this and make our fellow countrymen aware of this right. No political party (or conventional media) would campaign for it. It’s yours and my duty. So, let’s go ahead from today!

mumbai attack

Removed Links... as Google thinks it is spam.

I learned from the anaying the Recent Web contents that..Indian Youngies are very active ==> Creating groups on " Stop Terrerism"==> Becoming member of such group.==> Copy and past repeated material on the groups.==> Send the links of the material to the budies in their mail list.==> Keeps on forwarding Photographs, videos and Articles that they receives in their mail with a note " Must See"
Now some has started taken steps from within charity and changes startes from Home.
There is not only Terrerism we are fighting against, if we go to the ground to fight bettle, we can realise more "Rakshash" in the ground bigger then Terrerism. Please come and see the ground, it is not only the bloody RED coloured, it is Black too.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


दरिया ना माला माथी चोराई गई मछलिओ
मोजा किनारे आवी , छाती कुटी गया।


सजा थी बचवु अघरु हतुज नही,
नाम तमारू मारे बोलवुज हतु नही।

हसतो रह्यो, get smiled

पलपलनो आनंद
वर्तमानमा जीव्यो।
बुद्धिने मूकी बाजुए
आत्मामा जीव्यो।
आवी निर्णायक घड़ी
जीवनमा त्यारे....
हु मोतपर हँस्यो
ने मोत मारी उपर।
उछीना स्वास लाई
देवू चुक्व्यु फाईलोनु
गिरवे मूकी आंशुओ
देवू चुक्व्यु हाश्योनु
हाथताली दई लोकोने,
आवी पुग्यो छू अही
ने हु मोतपर हँस्यो,
ने मोत मारी उपर।

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

समय, the time

हिंच्का नी उपर
समय सुकायो
घड़ी ना लोलके
समय लटकायो
उडी गई कोयल
सुनी थई दाद्खी
विखाराया टहूका
समय मुन्जायो ।

स्वास ना टपका

स्वास ना टपका
वातवातमा दपका
सुमसान रण
धगधगती केडियो
परसेवे रेब्जेब
हाथमा बेडियो
क्याक छे दादखी
कदाच छे छाया
आशा नी क्यारी
मृगजल नी माया

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Family & the nation

"Where there is righteousness in the heart, there is beauty in the 
character. When there is beauty in the character, there is harmony at 
home. When there is harmony at home, there is an order in the nation. 
When there is order in the nation, there is peace in the world," 
                                                                         Honarable Kalam 

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


To fulfill your dreams
please wake up...
Dream that you forget in the morning were just flash.
But flash in mind that don't let you sleep is dream.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Toys of Ashes...

રાખનાં રમકડાં મારા રામે રમતાં રાખ્યાં રે..
મૃત્યુલોકની માટીમાંથી માનવ કહીને ભાખ્યાં.... રેરાખનાં રમકડાં, રમકડાં …
બોલે ડોલે રોજ રમકડાં, નિત નિત રમત્યું માંડે...
આ મારું આ તારું કહીને એકબીજાને ભાંડે.......... રે રાખનાં રમકડાં, રમકડાં …
એઇ કાચી માટીને કાયામાંથી માયા કેરા રંગ લગાયા..
એજી ઢીંગલા ઢીંગલીએ ઘર માંડ્યાં ત્યાં તો વિંઝણલા વિંઝાયા....રે રાખનાં રમકડાં, રમકડાં …

Family album..

This album is created from family photos..

in the eve of depawali...

in the sweet memories memories of my family...

miles away ... far from the family....

The song Maitry bhav nu pavitra Zarnu .... is song by Shri Surendra Mistry...

મૈત્રીભાવનું પવિત્ર ઝરણું
મૈત્રીભાવનું પવિત્ર ઝરણું,

મુજ હૈયામાં વહ્યા કરે,

શુભ થાઓ સકળ વિશ્વનુંએવી ભાવના નિત્ય રહે …મૈત્રી ભાવનું

ગુણથી ભરેલા ગુણીજનને દેખી,...હૈયું મારું નૃત્ય કરે,

એ સંતોના ચરણકમળમાં..મુજ જીવનનું અર્ઘ્ય રહે … મૈત્રી ભાવનું

દીન ક્રુર ને ધર્મવિહિનો.. દેખી દિલમાં દર્દ વહે,

કરૂણાભીની આંખોમાંથીઅશ્રુનો શુભ સ્ત્રોત વહે … મૈત્રી ભાવનું

માર્ગ ભૂલેલાં જીવન પથિકને,માર્ગ ચીંધવા ઊભો રહું,

કરે ઊપેક્ષા એ મારગની....તોય સમતા ચિત્ત ધરું … મૈત્રીભાવનું

Do not Know - Experience it

सामायिक की कीताबे पढ़कर,

सामायिक के बारेमे जान सकते है,

किंतु सामायिक में जा नही सकते।

By reading books on Samayik ,

you can know ABOUT Samayik

but cannot experience it.

Monday, October 27, 2008

When I'm gone

तस्वीर दीवाल पर लटकावी मने भूली जजों,
अगरबत्ती बे जलावी त्या मने भूली जजों।

समय क्या छे रोजरोज नवा लगाववा नो,
प्लास्टिक नो एक हार लगावी मने भूली जजों।

याद आवे क्यारेक के हुय हसवतो हतो,
आँखों मा वारसावी क्यारेक मने भूली जजों।

लाल चट्टाक प्रसंगों उडे ज्यारे जीवनमा
एक कंकोत्री मने लखावी मने भूली जजों।

Saturday, October 25, 2008

When you blissed

If you gain that eternal knowledge, don’t try to manifest it upon others and don’t insist that everyone should accept and know it. Just distribute that bliss to those who comes to you. This is because now this world cannot lose one more Socrates or Jesus in you.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Trade of love

प्यार मा सौदा एवा नथी करवा,
हु आपु दिल ने तमे दर्द आपो।

Hesitate to trade my love for against,
Wherein I offer Heart and you return pain.

Dream vendor

धन ने पामवाना तू स्वप्ना ना वेच,
आ अंधोनी नगरी छे, तू दर्पण ना वेच।

your dreams to attain riches , pls. do not sell
This city is of blinds,mirrors pls. do not sell

The way toward spirituality

एक अंतरा ... एक महानुभाव की वानीमे से

My respects to all.
How thirsty people are for spiritual life!Seeing thisI am surprised that some people say man has lostall interest in religion.This can never be.No interest in religion means no interest in life,bliss, the ultimate.Consciousness is by nature God-orientedand it can only be satisfied by attaining Godthe state of satchitananda( The very nature of soul) , thetruth-awareness-bliss state of being.
Hidden within one in the form of a seed is the verysource of religious birth, therefore whilst religionsmay come ant go religion can never die.
I am glad to know that you feel patient about yourprogress towards the light.
Patience is the most important thing of all inspiritual life.How long one must wait after sowing the seed!At first all the effort seems wasted, nothing seemsto happen, and then one day the waiting ends and thereis actuality -- the seed breaks, pushes through theearth -- into a plant!But remember that even when nothing seemed to behappening the seed was working away under the soil.
It is the same with the seeker for truth -- whennothing appears to be happening much is happening.The fact is that all growth of life-energy isunseen and unknown.Only the results can be observed not the progress.
I am in bliss.I want you to come closer to God.Forget about results, just keep going on your path;let the fruits come by themselves.One day one wonders: What has happened!What was I!What have I become!Compared to the results all the effort seemsnegligible.
My love to all.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The thought process in Mind

Mind is divided in two parts.
1. Physical Mind
2. Psychic Mind

The process in the mind or functions of the mind can be described as follow:
First of all let it be clear that physical body include senses.
All sense has its own memory.
These particular senses have their own memory. This memory stores its day to day experience and updates the same.
Memory, as explained in the letters of science is not stored at one place in head but is stored in the whole body as an experience of the senses.
The constant set of memories of the sense collectively contributes towards forming of beliefs. These beliefs become part of the memory in the karmic body. These beliefs changes according to the experience and it contributes toward forming of opinions.

The process of mind thus can be explained as under:
Thoughts emerge in the mind continuously...
It has no predefined sequence....
It has no orders to follows...
All thoughts are not taken care by the mind... This situation is called as if the thoughts are coming in the subconscious mind.
Mind picks up some of the thoughts for further analysis.
Such thoughts may be motivated thoughts or may be the result of recent past activity.
When mind is involved in the further processing of the thoughts, it is said to be the conscious area of mind. (Thus conscious or subconscious is the state of mind on a particular point of time and not that of space in mind.)

This Psychic mind on the basis of the nature of the thought, recalls its relevant memories from relevant senses. Every sense is required individually to contribute their memories (the experiences from the past) relevant to the thought. Mind has its sets of Beliefs and opinion in its karmic body. Karmic body thus provides set rules for making decisions in the form of beliefs and opinion. Psychic body processes the thoughts on the basis of these memories, beliefs and opinions and arrives at a conclusion. And it delivers the message to the physical body.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


पतंगिया अने आगना आपडा छे संबधो,
पत्थर अने काचना आपडा छे संबधो।

रेखा नथी वटावटा , मर्यादा नि क्यारेय,
प्रकाश अने छाय ना आपडा छे संबधो।

वधे छे घटे छे प्रेम, तुट्से क्यारेय नही
रात अने chand ना आपडा छे संबधो।

On receiption of Gyan

ज्ञान प्राप्ति ना दिवसे

तमने पामीने ज़ंज़तो बढ़ी खरी पड़ी,
हवे, जीवता ज पामु मोक्ष एवो अरमान छे।

जली चुकी छे अगरबत्ती राख रह्यी छे बाकी,
द्रष्टि थई सम्यक ते ज कर्मो नु अवसान छे।

खुले छे ज्ञान जेट्लू मौन थवाय छे ऐटलू
लाख जन्मे पाम्यो छू के बोलवू स्मसानछे।

संसार छोदयो तो पकड्यो वैभव त्यागनो
त्यागी तेय "जहोजलाली " ते त्याग नु अपमान छे।

Monday, October 20, 2008

Life in dubai

ऊँचे ने ऊँचे जवानी
लाहयमा ने लाहयमा,
सडको पर कार नि कतारमा
गलीना नाके
गंधाता, सबड़ता
मुनिसिपलिटी ना दब्बामा
प्लास्टिकिया, दिस्पोसिबल थाली वाडकामा
गलीनी बहार डोकाता एसी ना फोयना माथी
निकडटी गरम हवामा
दुबाडेछे युवानो पोतानी जवानी
अने मंडे छे भेगा करवा पैसा ना ठीकरा
टेलीफोन ना दाबलामा
लुछे छे आंशुओ

english version

In the blaze of going up and up
On the queue of cars in the street
In the corner of every lane
In those dirty, foully waste containers
On the peak of Polythene, disposable plates and bowls
From the heat firing A/C’s nasal

Younger simmers their youth.
Life makes them counting the bucks.

Inserts a coin in the telephone booth
To wipe theirs tears that no one has looked.

bad command or file name

language Gujarati
- To the Friends in USA who left India to earn more

छुटा छवाया पड़ेला
स्वप्ना ओ ना भंगार पर
टपक टपक थता
आंशुओनि छलक
कादाव कीचढ़ माँ
खिलवा मथतू एक कमल
निचे नमी ने
हु मथु छु तोड़वा....
अने अचानक
अद्रस्य थाई
स्क्रीन पर वेराय छे
" Bad command or file name"

English version

On the scrapes of
Dreams that scattered
Tears that shower on
Drop by drop.
From the mud that resulted,
A lotus yearning to emerge
Lean down then I,
To get hold of it
And accidentally,
It got disappeared...
On the rippled screen there
the words spread out
“Bad command or File name “

Dubai highway

यह कविता मूल गुजराती भाषा में है।
दुबई Highway

सवार नि चहलपहल
cafeteria नि चाय साथे
सरू थातो दिवस
बपोर सुधिमा
गर्मिने लप्ऐ ने
सुई जातु नगर

सरीर न रोमरोम महिथि जरता
अमिज़रना ने
सुक्वता गली ओ माँ
air conditioner माथि वछुटता
गर्म पवनो
अने एवि जे रीते
गर्मी थी उकली ने चलता
रास्ता ओ ।

Sunday, October 19, 2008

lust as we seen at

वासना ने एवी अमे भाडी छे।
बे लीटर दूध माटे भेंस पाडि छे।
lust, as we seen at
who bought cow for just two liter milk.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

है दादा जग कल्याण करो।
सौ जीवो मोक्ष नु ज्ञान पामो।
दुनिया ना अन्तरायों तुटो।

Hey dada,

Give ultimate blessings to the world,

Let all living beings seek the ultimate knowledge.

Let hindrance of all, got broken

Friday, October 17, 2008

How body takes the decision.

Soul                                         Jiv tatva                        Atma


Logical body                            Jad Tatva                     Anatma           






Karmic body                            Jad Tatva                     Anatma









Physical body                           Jad tatva                       Anatma           

            Physics… legs, Hands, Heads ….

            Senses ….

            Biological Systems…


Electric body                            Jad Tatva                     Chetan


Time or era or area

Conscious area

Sub conscious area.


Soul is the Jiv Tatva. Physical body consisting of our body… with leg, hands, head, eyes etc. together with five senses. Action of this physical body is the outcomes of the process held at logical body. Logical body takes the decision on the basis of the rules and regulation as described in the karmic body. Electric body is nothing but is the natural energy which keeps physical body to work. Soul is the traveler on the time and occupies several physical bodies, while logical body and karmic body travel with Soul. Electric body is received at the time when soul catches a physical body.    


Logical body work with its four department viz MAN , BUDDHI , CHITTA & AHMKAR. The action taken by physical body is the result of its process in the logical body. Whenever a thought comes it appears in the MAN department first. Once the MAN department catches any thought, chitta departments virtually roams over the area. The roaming process is done on the basis of the memories in the brain. Here mind is a part of logical body while brain is a part of physical body. So Chitta departments on basis of the existing memories from the Brain and with the logical preferable sequences listed therein, roams over the thoughts. While the process of such roaming is being carried out, Buddhi note downs various alternatives with its merits and demerits. Now the work of buddhi falls into the area of advocating these various alternatives against the Judge Ahamkar (EGO). Ahamkar (Ego) checks the rules and regulation available with it, together with its karmic body. KARMIC body has its own beliefs & opinion. Ego is governed by Such Beliefs and Opinions. The beliefs and opinions are variable factors. The degree of such beliefs and opinion is the result of past actions. Advantages and disadvantages of every such actions are measured against the constant factors like KAM, KRODH , LOBH  & MOH.


Hence, the arguments and counter arguments for various alternatives for the said thought are done by Buddhi and it shows merits and demerits of such various alternatives. These merits and demerits are calculated on the basis of the advantages and disadvantages of physical body and the environment prevailing at that time surrounding to it. Now the Ahmkar after hearing of such arguments takes into accounts the beliefs and opinions from the KARMIC body ( and its resultant benefits governed by kam krodh lobh moha) and declares the decision and signs on the orders to be delivered onto the physical body for its action. The Physical body, then accept the decision and works accordingly.


After delivering the decision and acted upon by the physical body, the Ahmkar watch over the results continuously. The degree of such watch differs from person to person according to its awareness to the system. The KARMIC body constantly adepts its ingredients (beliefs and opinion) on the basis of the results such observed. The physical body, surrounding circumstances and senses to the physical body provides vital inputs against the decision for such observation. Lower the level of awareness, lower will be the watch over the decision of the ego and hence strong will be the beliefs and opinion of the EGO or lesser will be the adaptation to the beliefs and opinions. This is because Ahamkar (EGO) at this stage has not faced any challenge to prove it correct. It remains in the impression of whatsoever it has delivered is correct and it strengthens the beliefs and opinions to that effect.


The above process of thought do occurs in the subconscious area. Here area is divided as a fraction of time. Our soul with its other bodies travels through an area of time. Here is a constant fight between Pragnya and Ego. In absence of self realization, the light of Pragnya is not available. So the Ahamkar(EGO) never able to look clearly the process of this decision making. Once the self realization is done, the light of pragnya available to the EGO and then the decisions can be taken in the light of Pragnya. The area (fraction) of time when decision is taken under the light of pragyna is called conscious area. The decision taken in the conscious area will not add up its degree to the beliefs and opinions of the karmic body. This is because beliefs and opinions are the shades from the results of actions taken in the past in subconscious area i.e. without the light of the pragyna. Once the light of the pragyna is on, Ahmkar takes decision under its impression.  

My Life 1

I knew there was some small room outside a big Villa seems to be a small garage house used for parking cars that owner of the villa belongs. The villa was surrounded by a big garden coupled with greenery where I used to play crawling here and there. I have gray glimpse of those days where Mom me and Daddy resides in that garage like house. Later on the life I came to know the owner of that Villa was nobody else but the principle of a well-known school of Ahmedabad C.N. Vidhyalay. I’ll tell you something more on the later part of this story about the same. I still remind of a boy with whom I used to play games and perhaps was a son of a washer man whose shop was just on the outer side of the villa. It was on the right corner of the villa and the villa was the last villa of the raw in that community. I do not remember more about the games that I used to play except a tricycle and we used the outside toilet of the villa as our bathroom too.

While going deeper in the past, I recollect some gray memories of kite flying days on a terrace of a Villa. Daddy used to catch kites flying in the air after it was cut in a match. Daddy caught many and hand over it to me. I used to jump up with joy while receiving more kites and used to make “Laccha” with the thread attached to the kite. It was a big gift from daddy. I do not remember more about mummy in those days. Later on I came to know that this villa I am talking about was owned by grandfather and was only residential property for the whole family and there lived at least 5 families in it. After the death of my grandfather in village, uncles of my daddy and their family lived there in this villa for some years.

One day money or property dispute irrupt up between brothers, my daddy and uncle and resulted in a decision to sell off the property and money so received to be distributed in between. My mother was not ready to leave it up and asked my maternal grand father to do something in the matter. He later on agreed to purchase the villa at market price from the family and hand it over to mom. But destiny has decided something else. Uncle and aunty strongly opposed to it and ultimately sold out to an outside party and the money so received were divided. All family got separated with happy memories of the past and sad facts of the present then. All other family purchases their own house and one or two resides there till today.

After the break out of the families, Mom and daddy with me, for someday shifted to a nearby small garage like room of that villa. The villa was owned by Mrs. Chandrakantaben who was principle of C. N. Vidhyalay, middle education section. My father’s uncle, Sakarchand bhai was Teacher of the same school in high school section. Our whole family studied there in C.N. only because Sakarchand bhai was teacher there. In those days master’s job was a commanding one. Sakarchand was the first boy in the village who left the village for education. My grandfather, big brother of Sakarchand ran a shop in the village and was respected as a rich person. He was a very practical man in the village. He asked Sakarchand to go to the city and study there. Ahmedabad was a nearby big city and Sakarchand came to Ahmedabad to learn more. The family followed Jain principles and hence it was first priority to reside where Jain Principles are followed. Therefore C.N. was the first priority having its own hostel for students coming from villages to study there. The hostel ran strictly on Jain principle and Sakarchand completed his study there and after his graduation he joined C.N. as a teacher. Due to long relation of Sakarchand with C.N., everybody knew the Sakarchand family and hence all family members of Sakarchand were admitted into C.N. for study from time to time. My father, uncles, aunty all studied there in C.N. and resided there in Hostel while studding in C.N. The Staff were all very familiar with family members and this was the reason why we first reached that villa owned by Mrs. Chandrakantaben after break up of the family.

Pujya Shri Deepakbhai in Dubai


Jai sat Chit Anand,

This is just first posting on this blog.
Last week we had a chance to interact with Pujya Shri Deepakbhai here in dubai.
It was a fastastic  experience.
write you more in time.
