અનંત જન્મો ના ચક્કરોમાંથી નીકળવું છે મારે, તાર વિનાની વીણા પર રાગ છેડવો છે મારે, હવે તો જ્ઞાની પુરુષની મુજ પર કરુણા વર્ષો, સમભાવે પૂરું કરવું છે ફાઈલોનું દેવું મારે .
Friday, October 31, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
When I'm gone
अगरबत्ती बे जलावी त्या मने भूली जजों।
समय क्या छे रोजरोज नवा लगाववा नो,
प्लास्टिक नो एक हार लगावी मने भूली जजों।
याद आवे क्यारेक के हुय हसवतो हतो,
आँखों मा वारसावी क्यारेक मने भूली जजों।
लाल चट्टाक प्रसंगों उडे ज्यारे जीवनमा
एक कंकोत्री मने लखावी मने भूली जजों।
Saturday, October 25, 2008
When you blissed
If you gain that eternal knowledge, don’t try to manifest it upon others and don’t insist that everyone should accept and know it. Just distribute that bliss to those who comes to you. This is because now this world cannot lose one more Socrates or Jesus in you.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Trade of love
हु आपु दिल ने तमे दर्द आपो।
Hesitate to trade my love for against,
Wherein I offer Heart and you return pain.
Dream vendor
आ अंधोनी नगरी छे, तू दर्पण ना वेच।
your dreams to attain riches , pls. do not sell
This city is of blinds,mirrors pls. do not sell
The way toward spirituality
एक अंतरा ... एक महानुभाव की वानीमे से
My respects to all.
How thirsty people are for spiritual life!Seeing thisI am surprised that some people say man has lostall interest in religion.This can never be.No interest in religion means no interest in life,bliss, the ultimate.Consciousness is by nature God-orientedand it can only be satisfied by attaining Godthe state of satchitananda( The very nature of soul) , thetruth-awareness-bliss state of being.
Hidden within one in the form of a seed is the verysource of religious birth, therefore whilst religionsmay come ant go religion can never die.
I am glad to know that you feel patient about yourprogress towards the light.
Patience is the most important thing of all inspiritual life.How long one must wait after sowing the seed!At first all the effort seems wasted, nothing seemsto happen, and then one day the waiting ends and thereis actuality -- the seed breaks, pushes through theearth -- into a plant!But remember that even when nothing seemed to behappening the seed was working away under the soil.
It is the same with the seeker for truth -- whennothing appears to be happening much is happening.The fact is that all growth of life-energy isunseen and unknown.Only the results can be observed not the progress.
I am in bliss.I want you to come closer to God.Forget about results, just keep going on your path;let the fruits come by themselves.One day one wonders: What has happened!What was I!What have I become!Compared to the results all the effort seemsnegligible.
My love to all.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The thought process in Mind
1. Physical Mind
2. Psychic Mind
The process in the mind or functions of the mind can be described as follow:
First of all let it be clear that physical body include senses.
All sense has its own memory.
These particular senses have their own memory. This memory stores its day to day experience and updates the same.
Memory, as explained in the letters of science is not stored at one place in head but is stored in the whole body as an experience of the senses.
The constant set of memories of the sense collectively contributes towards forming of beliefs. These beliefs become part of the memory in the karmic body. These beliefs changes according to the experience and it contributes toward forming of opinions.
The process of mind thus can be explained as under:
Thoughts emerge in the mind continuously...
It has no predefined sequence....
It has no orders to follows...
All thoughts are not taken care by the mind... This situation is called as if the thoughts are coming in the subconscious mind.
Mind picks up some of the thoughts for further analysis.
Such thoughts may be motivated thoughts or may be the result of recent past activity.
When mind is involved in the further processing of the thoughts, it is said to be the conscious area of mind. (Thus conscious or subconscious is the state of mind on a particular point of time and not that of space in mind.)
This Psychic mind on the basis of the nature of the thought, recalls its relevant memories from relevant senses. Every sense is required individually to contribute their memories (the experiences from the past) relevant to the thought. Mind has its sets of Beliefs and opinion in its karmic body. Karmic body thus provides set rules for making decisions in the form of beliefs and opinion. Psychic body processes the thoughts on the basis of these memories, beliefs and opinions and arrives at a conclusion. And it delivers the message to the physical body.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
पत्थर अने काचना आपडा छे संबधो।
रेखा नथी वटावटा , मर्यादा नि क्यारेय,
प्रकाश अने छाय ना आपडा छे संबधो।
वधे छे घटे छे प्रेम, तुट्से क्यारेय नही
रात अने chand ना आपडा छे संबधो।
On receiption of Gyan
तमने पामीने ज़ंज़तो बढ़ी खरी पड़ी,
हवे, जीवता ज पामु मोक्ष एवो अरमान छे।
जली चुकी छे अगरबत्ती राख रह्यी छे बाकी,
द्रष्टि थई सम्यक ते ज कर्मो नु अवसान छे।
खुले छे ज्ञान जेट्लू मौन थवाय छे ऐटलू
लाख जन्मे पाम्यो छू के बोलवू स्मसानछे।
संसार छोदयो तो पकड्यो वैभव त्यागनो
त्यागी तेय "जहोजलाली " ते त्याग नु अपमान छे।
Monday, October 20, 2008
Life in dubai
ऊँचे ने ऊँचे जवानी
लाहयमा ने लाहयमा,
सडको पर कार नि कतारमा
गलीना नाके
गंधाता, सबड़ता
मुनिसिपलिटी ना दब्बामा
प्लास्टिकिया, दिस्पोसिबल थाली वाडकामा
गलीनी बहार डोकाता एसी ना फोयना माथी
निकडटी गरम हवामा
दुबाडेछे युवानो पोतानी जवानी
अने मंडे छे भेगा करवा पैसा ना ठीकरा
टेलीफोन ना दाबलामा
लुछे छे आंशुओ
english version
In the blaze of going up and up
On the queue of cars in the street
In the corner of every lane
In those dirty, foully waste containers
On the peak of Polythene, disposable plates and bowls
From the heat firing A/C’s nasal
Younger simmers their youth.
Life makes them counting the bucks.
Inserts a coin in the telephone booth
To wipe theirs tears that no one has looked.
bad command or file name
- To the Friends in USA who left India to earn more
छुटा छवाया पड़ेला
स्वप्ना ओ ना भंगार पर
टपक टपक थता
आंशुओनि छलक
कादाव कीचढ़ माँ
खिलवा मथतू एक कमल
निचे नमी ने
हु मथु छु तोड़वा....
अने अचानक
अद्रस्य थाई
स्क्रीन पर वेराय छे
" Bad command or file name"
English version
On the scrapes of
Dreams that scattered
Tears that shower on
Drop by drop.
From the mud that resulted,
A lotus yearning to emerge
Lean down then I,
To get hold of it
And accidentally,
It got disappeared...
On the rippled screen there
the words spread out
“Bad command or File name “
Dubai highway
दुबई Highway
सवार नि चहलपहल
cafeteria नि चाय साथे
सरू थातो दिवस
बपोर सुधिमा
गर्मिने लप्ऐ ने
सुई जातु नगर
सरीर न रोमरोम महिथि जरता
अमिज़रना ने
सुक्वता गली ओ माँ
air conditioner माथि वछुटता
गर्म पवनो
अने एवि जे रीते
गर्मी थी उकली ने चलता
रास्ता ओ ।
Sunday, October 19, 2008
lust as we seen at
बे लीटर दूध माटे भेंस पाडि छे।
lust, as we seen at
who bought cow for just two liter milk.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
How body takes the decision.
Soul Jiv tatva Atma
Logical body Jad Tatva Anatma
Karmic body Jad Tatva Anatma
Physical body Jad tatva Anatma
Physics… legs, Hands, Heads ….
Senses ….
Biological Systems…
Electric body Jad Tatva Chetan
Time or era or area
Conscious area
Sub conscious area.
Soul is the Jiv Tatva. Physical body consisting of our body… with leg, hands, head, eyes etc. together with five senses. Action of this physical body is the outcomes of the process held at logical body. Logical body takes the decision on the basis of the rules and regulation as described in the karmic body. Electric body is nothing but is the natural energy which keeps physical body to work. Soul is the traveler on the time and occupies several physical bodies, while logical body and karmic body travel with Soul. Electric body is received at the time when soul catches a physical body.
Logical body work with its four department viz MAN , BUDDHI , CHITTA & AHMKAR. The action taken by physical body is the result of its process in the logical body. Whenever a thought comes it appears in the MAN department first. Once the MAN department catches any thought, chitta departments virtually roams over the area. The roaming process is done on the basis of the memories in the brain. Here mind is a part of logical body while brain is a part of physical body. So Chitta departments on basis of the existing memories from the Brain and with the logical preferable sequences listed therein, roams over the thoughts. While the process of such roaming is being carried out, Buddhi note downs various alternatives with its merits and demerits. Now the work of buddhi falls into the area of advocating these various alternatives against the Judge Ahamkar (EGO). Ahamkar (Ego) checks the rules and regulation available with it, together with its karmic body. KARMIC body has its own beliefs & opinion. Ego is governed by Such Beliefs and Opinions. The beliefs and opinions are variable factors. The degree of such beliefs and opinion is the result of past actions. Advantages and disadvantages of every such actions are measured against the constant factors like KAM, KRODH , LOBH & MOH.
Hence, the arguments and counter arguments for various alternatives for the said thought are done by Buddhi and it shows merits and demerits of such various alternatives. These merits and demerits are calculated on the basis of the advantages and disadvantages of physical body and the environment prevailing at that time surrounding to it. Now the Ahmkar after hearing of such arguments takes into accounts the beliefs and opinions from the KARMIC body ( and its resultant benefits governed by kam krodh lobh moha) and declares the decision and signs on the orders to be delivered onto the physical body for its action. The Physical body, then accept the decision and works accordingly.
After delivering the decision and acted upon by the physical body, the Ahmkar watch over the results continuously. The degree of such watch differs from person to person according to its awareness to the system. The KARMIC body constantly adepts its ingredients (beliefs and opinion) on the basis of the results such observed. The physical body, surrounding circumstances and senses to the physical body provides vital inputs against the decision for such observation. Lower the level of awareness, lower will be the watch over the decision of the ego and hence strong will be the beliefs and opinion of the EGO or lesser will be the adaptation to the beliefs and opinions. This is because Ahamkar (EGO) at this stage has not faced any challenge to prove it correct. It remains in the impression of whatsoever it has delivered is correct and it strengthens the beliefs and opinions to that effect.
The above process of thought do occurs in the subconscious area. Here area is divided as a fraction of time. Our soul with its other bodies travels through an area of time. Here is a constant fight between Pragnya and Ego. In absence of self realization, the light of Pragnya is not available. So the Ahamkar(EGO) never able to look clearly the process of this decision making. Once the self realization is done, the light of pragnya available to the EGO and then the decisions can be taken in the light of Pragnya. The area (fraction) of time when decision is taken under the light of pragyna is called conscious area. The decision taken in the conscious area will not add up its degree to the beliefs and opinions of the karmic body. This is because beliefs and opinions are the shades from the results of actions taken in the past in subconscious area i.e. without the light of the pragyna. Once the light of the pragyna is on, Ahmkar takes decision under its impression.
My Life 1
While going deeper in the past, I recollect some gray memories of kite flying days on a terrace of a Villa. Daddy used to catch kites flying in the air after it was cut in a match. Daddy caught many and hand over it to me. I used to jump up with joy while receiving more kites and used to make “Laccha” with the thread attached to the kite. It was a big gift from daddy. I do not remember more about mummy in those days. Later on I came to know that this villa I am talking about was owned by grandfather and was only residential property for the whole family and there lived at least 5 families in it. After the death of my grandfather in village, uncles of my daddy and their family lived there in this villa for some years.
One day money or property dispute irrupt up between brothers, my daddy and uncle and resulted in a decision to sell off the property and money so received to be distributed in between. My mother was not ready to leave it up and asked my maternal grand father to do something in the matter. He later on agreed to purchase the villa at market price from the family and hand it over to mom. But destiny has decided something else. Uncle and aunty strongly opposed to it and ultimately sold out to an outside party and the money so received were divided. All family got separated with happy memories of the past and sad facts of the present then. All other family purchases their own house and one or two resides there till today.
After the break out of the families, Mom and daddy with me, for someday shifted to a nearby small garage like room of that villa. The villa was owned by Mrs. Chandrakantaben who was principle of C. N. Vidhyalay, middle education section. My father’s uncle, Sakarchand bhai was Teacher of the same school in high school section. Our whole family studied there in C.N. only because Sakarchand bhai was teacher there. In those days master’s job was a commanding one. Sakarchand was the first boy in the village who left the village for education. My grandfather, big brother of Sakarchand ran a shop in the village and was respected as a rich person. He was a very practical man in the village. He asked Sakarchand to go to the city and study there. Ahmedabad was a nearby big city and Sakarchand came to Ahmedabad to learn more. The family followed Jain principles and hence it was first priority to reside where Jain Principles are followed. Therefore C.N. was the first priority having its own hostel for students coming from villages to study there. The hostel ran strictly on Jain principle and Sakarchand completed his study there and after his graduation he joined C.N. as a teacher. Due to long relation of Sakarchand with C.N., everybody knew the Sakarchand family and hence all family members of Sakarchand were admitted into C.N. for study from time to time. My father, uncles, aunty all studied there in C.N. and resided there in Hostel while studding in C.N. The Staff were all very familiar with family members and this was the reason why we first reached that villa owned by Mrs. Chandrakantaben after break up of the family.